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  1. D

    Quality of Life-Make mass processing instant or take less time

    Afterwards, inflation will occur, leading to a large-scale reduction in cotton prices:)
  2. D

    Please resolve the issue of summoning beasts not working properly as soon as possible

    Chinese 中文 1.珂赛尔 2.驯兽师 3.魅狐 1---使用技能后,该职业的海獭同伴无法顺利出现,这大大削弱了该职业的伤害值,看来现在只有我在使用该职业了 2--由于召唤兽的bug,这个职业完全无法使用 3----被召唤的狐狸不能出现在正确的位置——它总是出现在玩家附近,不能离开玩家 我希望这些问题能够尽快得到解决。请不要专注于更新版本。漏洞越来越多,应该认真对待这些恶意漏洞
  3. D

    Please resolve the issue of summoning beasts not working properly as soon as possible

    1.corsair 2.tamer 3.maegu 1----After using the skill, sea otter companions in this profession cannot appear smoothly,This greatly weakens the damage value of this profession,It seems only I using this profession now 2----This profession is completely unusable due to a summoning...
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